Just received the following from Kentuckians for the Commonwealth and am passing it on.
Dear Madison County KFTC Member,
Below are Madison County KFTC updates and upcoming events. We hope to see you there!
1.) FINAL WEEK BEFORE VOTER REGISTRATION DEADLINE: HELP REGISTER AND EDUCATE VOTERS -- The chapter will be door-knocking and tabling in Berea and Richmond this final week before the closely approaching voter registration deadline (October 6th). Last Saturday KFTC members registered 33 folks at the Berea Walmart and had great conversations with many more folks about the importance of voting and KFTC's issues. There is still time to help out and get more folks registered before the October 6th deadline:*
Tabling: This Friday evening (October 3rd) from 4 to 8 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. we will be tabling all day (most likely at the Berea Walmart , Berea Sav a Lot, and possibly Richmond Kroger - but stay tuned for specific location). If you can volunteer for a two-hour shift of time, please let us know (and when you are available).*
Door-Knocking: On Saturday, October 4th we will be door-knocking in Berea - We will meet at 10 a.m. at the KFTC office (green house behind the MACED building on Chestnut St. in Berea) for a short training and determine our walking paths. Door-knocking is an important way to engage with folks who we might not otherwise be able to reach through other methods. Many KFTC volunteers have said that the best conversations about the importance of voting happen on someone's front door step.
If you can volunteer to take a shift registering voters or help cover a street in a neighborhood, please RSVP to Carissa at Carissa@kftc.org or 986-1277 Ext. 224. The more volunteers, the more ground we can cover - which means more registered voters!
2.) BEREA SOLAR TOUR THIS SATURDAY: The Berea Solar Tour is this Saturday, October 4 from 10am-2pm. 10 solar homes and buildings will be open for viewing. This is your opportunity to view and ask questions about solar hot water and solar electric systems; net metering; passive solar design; and home energy conservation.
Also, there will be two solar workshops: "Logistics of Home Solar Installation." 9am-10am in the Second floor classroom, Child Development Laboratory, 125 Jefferson Street and "Ask an Expert: Questions and answers on home solar energy." 2pm-3pm at 302 Center Street.
In addition, there will be a van to outlying solar homes. It departs Memorial Park parking lot (125 Jefferson St.) at 10:15 am and returns by 12:30. Limited to 10 seats. To reserve a seat, call 985-1689 or info@sustainableberea.org
.3.) LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS HOLDS BEREA CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATE FORUM: Tuesday, October 14th from 7 to 9:15 p.m. at the Berea City Hall Chambers on Chestnut St. Stay tuned for more information.
4.) LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS/ENERGY AND EMPOWERMENT EVENT: The League of Women Voters/Energy and Empowerment gathering, featuring Amy Malick from International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) will be on October 15th at the Berea public library from 6 - 8:30. Amy will speak on what local governments can do to address climate change. The event will also include tasty food. Hope you can join us!
5.) MADISON COUNTY FRIENDRAISER: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24th - Mark your calendars now for the Madison County Fall Friend-raiser in Berea. The fun will kick-off with a tasty potluck at 6 p.m. followed by entertainment and a short program at Union Church. We hope you can join us for this fun event - and bring a few friends with you! It should be a lot of fun!
6.) KFTC STATEWIDE ANNUAL MEETING - Register online today for KFTC's statewide annual meeting October 10th - 12th at the Kentucky Leadership Center in Faubush. There will be great workshops, thoughtful discussion, and lots of wonderful fellowship.
You also won't want to miss the keynote speaker, Dr. Phil Thompson, a nationally recognized urban planner and political scientist. Phil is a professor in the Urban Planning Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Phil will discuss ideas about how community organizations can develop locally-owned renewable energy systems that create jobs and potentially generate resources for low-income and people of color communities.
Phil worked as Deputy General Manager of the New York Housing Authority, and as Director of the Mayor's Office of Housing Coordination. Phil is a frequent advisor to trade unions in their efforts to work with immigrant and community groups across the United States. Phil's most recent academic work includes a 2004 review of public health interventions in poor black communities and a recent book called Double Trouble: Black Mayors, Black Communities and the Struggle for Deep Democracy published by Oxford University Press.
For more information or any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at 859-986-1277 Ext. 224 orCarissa@kftc.org.
Sincerely,Carissa Lenfert
Madison County Chapter Organizer
Kentuckians for the Commonwealth
Saturday after Ash Wednesday
10 years ago