Monday, August 11, 2008

Viva la Causa! Sponsorship

Viva la Causa! Sponsorship

In Fall 2008, the Southern Poverty Law Center will release a new Teaching Tolerance documentary film, Viva la Causa! free to classrooms across the country. The film is about one of the seminal events in the march for human rights — the grape strike and boycott led by César Chávez and Dolores Huerta — and will highlight the parallels between the farmworkers' and civil rights movements.

This film could not be timelier. Racist rhetoric is polluting the immigration debate, immigrant workers are being abused in the fields, anti-Latino hate crimes are on the rise, and Latino children are being demonized in our schools.

This new Teaching Tolerance film kit will inspire children for years to come, and teach them that there are non-violent ways to make positive social change.

Sponsor our new documentary Viva la Causa and support our other work for justice and tolerance. Sponsors donating $100 or more will be listed in the credits of the classroom documentary and receive an advance copy of the DVD. Deadline for sponsors is Aug. 15, 2008.
For ways to donate, visit the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Image: Grape strike leader César Chávez talks to grape workers who were exploited for their cheap labor in the 1960s.

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